Conti Tipocolor has just started in early March 2016 with a new LED UV printing system on our Heidelberg CD 5 units plus coating; Papers (coated and uncoated papers also especially absorbent) and plastic materials come off the press immediately dry, no varnish for sealing (which can degrade the value of the paper) and spray powder is non longer necessary ( the printed surface is now soft to the touch).
LED Printig is a new technology and isn’t to be confused with the traditinal UV, LE-UV, H-UVand other UVsystems like them.
This is a “green” UVsystem and environment friendly because the LED-UVsystem produces ultraviolet output in the UVrange that is safe and human tolerant instead ofthat one produced by mercury lamps ofthe traditinal Standard UV. The following benefis are available from LED UVsolutins compared to traditinal Standard UV: Energy Cost Reductin over H- and LE- type UVsystems (about 80%), Heat Reductin (about 90%), LED UVlamps contain zero mercury, LED UVlamps produce no ozone and no toxic gas.